Pot Size | Plant Name |
Case Pack |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Beauty
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Brevispathum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Geely Red
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Golden Powder
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Red Vein
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Sapphire
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Amazonica (Polly)
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Black Velvet
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Dragon Scale
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Dragon's Breath
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Jacklyn
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Melo
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Mickey Mouse
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Ninja
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Crystallinium
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Forgetti
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Lilli
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Orange Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Pearl Micro
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Red Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Silver Bush
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium White Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Bird of Paradise White
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Beauty
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Burle Marx
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Lancifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Makoyana
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Orbifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Ornata
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea White Star
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Zebrina
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Croton Mammy
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Epipremnum Pinn Marble
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Euphorbia Mammillaris Variegata
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Asparagus Foxtail
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Duffi Cordifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Hurricane
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Platycerium Wandae
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Staghorn Veitchii
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Altissima Golden Gem
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Elastica Cotton Color
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Lyrata
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Rubber Burgandy
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Rubber Shivereana Moonshine
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Monstera Standleyana Var Albo
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Monstera Swiss Cheese
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Alata
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Gaya
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Lady Luck
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Rebecca
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Frost
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Piccola Banda
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Rosso
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Watermelon
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Billietiatiae Croat
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Burle Marx Var
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Gloriosum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Golden Crocodile
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Imperial Golden
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Linnaei Kunth
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Mayoi
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo McDowell
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Melonchrysum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Naomi Pink
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Pastazanum Silver
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Red Heart
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Ring of Fire
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Snow Drift
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Squamiferum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Sun Red
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Warscewisczii Aurea
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo White Measure
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo White Princess
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Pineapple Mi Amigo
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Rhaphidophora Dragon Tail
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sansevieria Boncellensis
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sansevieria Green Tower
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sansevieria Mikado
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sarracenia Assortment
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Stromanthe Trio Star
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Godzilla
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Gold Allusion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Nephthytis Confetti
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Nephthytis Neon Pink
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Nephthytis Silver Fox
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Starlite
4 |