Pot Size | Plant Name |
Case Pack |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Beauty
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Brevispathum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Geely Red
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aglaonema Red Vein
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Bambino
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Dragon Scale
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Jacklyn
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegated
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Mickey Mouse
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Red Secret
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Alocasia Tiny Dancer
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Aloe Solar Fire
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Lilli
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Orange Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Pearl Micro
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Red Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Red Flag
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Silver Bush
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium Vittarifolim
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Anthurium White Champion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Jessey Princess
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Lancifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Orbifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Ornata
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Pilosa
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Silver Star
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea White Fusion
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Calathea Zebrina
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Dieff Camouflage
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Dieffenbachia Cougar
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Eugenia Globulus
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Fern Platycerium Wandae
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Audrey
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Rubber Burgandy
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Rubber Shivereana Moonshine
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Ruby Red
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Salicifolia
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Ficus Tineke
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Hoya Krohniana Black
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Hoya Krohniana Eskimo
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Hoya Krohniana Silver
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Monstera Standleyana Var Albo
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Monstera Swiss Cheese
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Gaya
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Nepenthes Rebecca
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Ecuador
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Piccola Banda
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Peperomia Watermelon
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Billietiatiae Croat
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Birkins
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Burle Marx Var
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Evian
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo FL Ghost Mint
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Golden Crocodile
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Imperial Golden
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Mayoi
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo McDowell
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Naomi Pink
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Painted Lady
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Pastazanum Silver
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Pluto Green
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Prince of Orange
90 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Red Heart
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Ring of Fire
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Ruizii
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Silver Sword
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Sun Red
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Tortum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Verrucosum
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo Warscewisczii Aurea
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Philo White Princess
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sansevieria Green Tower
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Sarracenia Assortment
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Stromanthe Trio Star
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Syngonium Nephthytis Confetti
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: Tradescantia Pink Panther
4 |
2" |
Custom Asst: ZZ Black Queen
4 |