The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
*By a plant name indicates there is a photo on our website

Thank you for ordering by � case minimums for all 2" - 6" material and 8" & 10" hanging baskets.
Please refer to the case pack quantities.

.Click for Important Availability Information
       All you order may not be avail...
       Avails change quickly
       We will notify you of n/a
.Click for Ordering Information
       1/2 or full trays for most
.Click for Picture Information
       Growers pull from various crop...
       Pics are for reference only
Custom Asst in Display Box of 32 Increments of 4
       2" Ag Beauty 4
       2" Ag Brevispathum 4
       2" Ag Geely Red * 4
       2" Ag Red Vein * 4
       2" Alocasia Bambino 4
       2" Alocasia Dragon Scale 4
       2" Alocasia Jacklyn * 4
       2" Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegate... 4
       2" Alocasia Mickey Mouse * 4
       2" Alocasia Red Secret * 4
       2" Alocasia Tiny Dancer 4
       2" Aloe Solar Fire 4
       2" Anthurium Lilli 4
       2" Anthurium Orange Champion 4
       2" Anth Pearl Micro 4
       2" Anthurium Red Champion 4
       2" Anthurium Red Flag * 4
       2" Anthurium Silver Bush 4
       2" Anthurium Vittarifolim * 4
       2" Anth White Champion 4
       2" Calathea Jessey Princess 4
       2" Calathea Lancifolia * 4
       2" Calathea Orbifolia 4
       2" Calathea Ornata * 4
       2" Calathea Pilosa 4
       2" Calathea Silver Star * 4
       2" Calathea White Fusion * 4
       2" Calathea Zebrina * 4
       2" Dieff Camouflage * 4
       2" Dieff Cougar 4
Custom Asst in Display Box of 32 Increments of 4 (continue)
       2" Eugenia Globulus 4
       2" Platycerium Wandae 4
       2" Ficus Audrey 4
       2" Ficus Rubber Burgandy 4
       2" Ficus Shivereana Moonshine * 4
       2" Ficus Ruby Red * 4
       2" Ficus Salicifolia 4
       2" Ficus Tineke * 4
       2" Hoya Krohniana Black 4
       2" Hoya Krohniana Eskimo 4
       2" Hoya Krohniana Silver 4
       2" Monstera Standl Var Albo 4
       2" Philo Swiss Cheese * 4
       2" Nepenthes Gaya 4
       2" Nepenthes Rebecca * 4
       2" Pep Ecauador 4
       2" Pep Piccola Banda 4
       2" Pep Watermelon 4
       2" Philo Billietiae Croat * 4
       2" Philo Birkins * 4
       2" Philo Burle Marx Variegated 4
       2" Philo Evian 4
       2" Philo FL Ghost Mint * 4
       2" Philo Golden Crocodile * 4
       2" Philo Imperial Golden 4
       2" Philo Mayoi Silver * 4
       2" Philo McDowell * 4
       2" Philo Naomi Pink * 4
       2" Philo Painted Lady 4
       2" Philo Pastaz. Silver * 4
       2" Philo Pluto Green 4
       2" Philo Prince of Orange * 90
       2" Philo Red Heart * 4
       2" Philo Ring of Fire * 4
       2" Philo Ruizii * 4
       2" Philo Silver Sword 4
       2" Philo Sun Red * 4
       2" Philo Tortum * 4
       2" Philo Verrucosum * 4
       2" Philo Warscewisczii * 4
       2" Philo White Princess * 4
       2" Sans Green Tower 4
       2" Sarracenia Asst 4
Page 1

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Custom Asst in Display Box of 32 Increments of 4 (continue)
       2" Stromanthe Trio Star * 4
       2" Nephthytis Confetti * 4
       2" Trad Pink Panther 4
       2" ZZ Black Queen * 4
Extra In Stock (No Minimum)
       4" Alocasia Aegis-Canada * 1
       4" Anthurium Magnificum Hybrid * 1
       4" Philo Rugosum Aberrant * 1
       4" Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight * 1
       4.5" Blooming Assortment * 1
       6" Ag Majesty Red * 1
       6" Rex Assortment * 1
       6" Macho * 1
       8" Pothos Hawaiian Gold HB * 6
Mothers Day Novelties
       2" Print in Ceramic (Box of 20) * 1
NEW Grower 1352
       .Their Quantities Change Fast
       Sm Hoya Cuming Cell Tray 72 1
       Sm Pep Maculosa Cell Tray 128 1
       Sm Pep Metallica Cell Tray 98 1
       Sm Pep Rugosa Cell Tray 72 1
       Sm Saxif Stw Beg Cell Tray 98 1
       2" Goldfish Broget Stavanger * 90
       2" Goldfish Premium Assortment * 90
       2" Harmony's Foliage Asst 90
       2" Hoya Assortment * 90
       2" Hoya Burtoniae ds-70 Var 90
       2" Hoya Choucke 90
       2" Hoya Cumingiana * 90
       2" Hoya Heuschkeliana Pink 90
       2" Hoya Insularis * 90
       2" Hoya Linearis 90
       2" Hoya Mathilde Splash 90
       2" Pep Maculosa Monster * 90
       4" African Violet Rare and Var As... * 30
       4" African Violet Rose Boquet * 30
       4" African Violet Var Only Asst * 30
       4" Begonia Escargot * 30
       4" Begonia Harmony Hybrid Angel W... * 30
       4" Rex and Rhizo Asst * 30
       4" Episcia Assortment * 30
       4" Harmony's Exotic Collector's A... * 30
       4" Hoya Burtoniae ds-70 Var 30
       4" Hoya Cumingiana 30
       4" Michael. Vietnam. Big Mike * 30
       4" Pep Harm Midgnight Wave * 30
       4" Pep Maculosa * 30
       4" Pep Meridana Variegated * 30
       4" Pep Rare Assortment * 30
       4" Pep Rugosa * 30
       4" Pep Trinervis * 30
       4" Pep Turboensis * 30
NEW Grower 1352 (continue)
       4" Piper Parmatum * 30
       4" Piper Silver Flecks * 30
       4" Strawberry Begonia * 30
       6" African Violet Rare and Var As... * 12
       6" Begonia Harmony Hybrid Angel W... 12
       6" Rex and Rhizo Asst * 12
       6" Rex and Rhizo Asst HB * 12
       6" Harmony's Exotic Collector's A... * 12
       6" Hoya Assortment * 12
       6" Hoya Cumingiana 12
       6" Pep Assortment 12
       6" Pep Assortment HB 12
       6" Pep Metallica HB 12
       6" Pep Rugosa HB 12
       6" Pep Trinervis HB 12
       6" Primulina Assortment * 12
       8" Assorted HB * 6
       8" Pep Assortment HB * 6
       Large Box of 12 Large Jellyfish Till... * 1
       Small Box of 24 Jellyfish Tillandsi... * 1
       Small Box of 24 Ceramic Dogs & Cats ... * 1
       Small Box of 24 Ceramic Farm Animals... * 1
       3" Box of 8 Yoga Frogs w Tillands... * 1
       4.5" Box of 12 Zora Ceramic * 1
       4" Box of 16 Gnome Ceramic * 1
       4.5" Box of 12 Tillandsia in Glass ... * 1
       4.5" Box of 12 Ceramic Drawer * 1
       4.5" Box of 12 Face Planter * 1
       4.5" Box of 15 Sign Language * 1
       4.5" Box of 12 Red Tin w Lady Bug * 1
       4.5" Box of 16 Scalloped Polka Dot * 1
       4.75" Box of 12 Frosted Glass Flowe... * 1
       5" Box of 9 Egg on Nest Ceramic * 1
       5" Box of 12 Pitcher Asst Colors * 1
       5" Box of 12 Birdhouse & Watering... * 1
       5" Box of 12 Bobble Lizards w Til... * 1
       6" Box of 15 Bamboo Tillandsia Ga... * 1
       8" Box of 5 Fairy Weedin * 1
       9" Box of 4 Metal Veranda * 1
       14" Tall Box of 12 Wine Bottle Garden * 1
       24" Natural Display Tree (No Plant... * 1
       30 Box of 30 Hanging Crystal Till... * 1
Pre-Book for 1st Spring Shipment 4-9-25
       6" Mandevilla Alice Dupont Hoop * 12
       10" Mandevilla Yellow Trellis * 1
       10" Kimberly Queen * 1
       10" Hibiscus Ft. Myers Bush * 1
       10" Hibiscus Hollywood Assortment * 1
       10" Hibiscus Hollywood Multicolor ... * 1
       10" Hibiscus Seminole Pink Bush * 1
       10" Mandevilla Alice Dupont Trelli... * 1
       10" Mandevilla Bluephoria HB * 4
Page 2

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Pre-Book for 1st Spring Shipment 4-9-25 (continue)
       10" Mandevilla Pretty Pink Trellis... * 1
       10" Mandevilla Pretty Red Trellis 1
       14" Chinese Lantern Braid * 1
       14" Chinese Lantern Bush * 1
       14" President Red Standard * 1
       17" Chinese Lantern Standard * 1
Prebook for Easter
       6.5" Blue * 10
       6.5" Blue with Cover 10
       6.5" Pink * 10
       6.5" Pink with Cover 10
       6.5" Red 10
       6.5" Red with Cover 10
       6.5" White 10
       6.5" White with Cover 10
       8" Blue 10
       8" Blue with Cover 6
       8" Pink 6
       8" Pink with Cover 6
       8" Red 6
       8" Red with Cover 6
       8" White 6
       8" White with Cover 6
       2" Cristatus Crinkle Leaf * 90
African Violet
       4.5" Assortment * 24
       2" Blue Flame * 120
       4" Variegated-Rare * 30
       6" Mediopicta Alba * 12
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Blue Americana * 12
       6" Blue Flame * 12
       6" Geminiflora * 12
       10" Angustifolia Variegated Margin... * 1
       10" Desmettiana Green Dwarf Centur... * 1
       10" Desmettiana Variegated * 1
       10" Lophantha Spledida * 1
       10" Agave Blue Rose * 1
       14" Angustifolia Variegated Margin... * 1
       14" Blue Americana * 1
       14" Tequilana Weberi Var * 1
       17" Angustifolia Variegated Margin... * 1
       17" Blue American * 1
       17" Blue Flame * 1
       17" Desmettiana Green Dwarf Centur... * 1
       17" Pedunculifera * 1
       17" Sisal (Hemp) 1
       17" Tequilana Weberi Variegated * 1
       21" Sisal (Hemp) 1
       21" Tequilana Weberi Var * 1
       4" Golden Powder * 30
       4" Maria * 30
       4" Night Sparkle * 30
       4" Richard 30
       4" Rubi 30
       4" Silver Bay * 30
       4" White Rain 30
       4" White Wintry Wine House * 30
       5" Dazzling Gem * 16
       5" Golden Madonna * 16
       5" Red Siam * 16
       5" Spring Snow * 16
       6" Army * 12
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Cutlass * 12
       6" Emerald Bay * 12
       6" Golden Madonna * 12
       6" Green Papaya * 12
       6" Maria (Emerald Beauty) * 12
       6" Mary Ann * 12
       6" Red Siam * 12
       6" Red Valentine * 12
       6" Romeo * 12
       6" Shades * 12
       6" Silver Bay * 12
       6" Silver Hase * 12
       6" Stripes * 12
       8" BJ Freeman * 1
       8" Emerald Bay * 1
       8" Indo Princess 1
       8" Jubilee * 1
       8" Maria (Emerald Beauty) * 1
       8" Mary Ann * 1
       8" Mondo Bay 1
       8" Red Siam * 1
       8" Silver Bay * 1
       8" Stripes * 1
       8" White Rain * 1
       10" BJ Freeman * 1
       10" Golden Madonna * 1
       10" Juliette * 1
       10" Red Siam Azalea Pot 1
       10" Romeo * 1
       10" Shades * 1
       10" Silver Bay * 1
       10" Silverado * 1
       10" Stripes * 1
       14" BJ Freeman * 1
       14" Diamond Bay * 1
       14" Golden Bay 1
       14" Golden Madonna * 1
       14" Jubilee * 1
       14" Maryanne * 1
       14" Red Siam 1
Page 3

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Aglaonema (continue)
       14" Silver Bay * 1
       14" Silverado 1
       14" Stripes * 1
       17" Grower's Choice 1
       4" Dragon Scale * 30
       4" Green Unicorn * 30
       4" Lime 30
       4" Mickey Mouse * 30
       4" Quilted Dreams * 30
       4" Regal Shields 30
       4" Tiny Dancer * 30
       4" Zebrina * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Alocasia Black Velvet * 12
       6" Brancifolia * 12
       6" Dragon Scale * 12
       6" Frydek * 12
       6" Green Unicorn 12
       6" Jacklyn * 12
       6" Regal Shields * 12
       8" Odora Variegated * 1
       10" Calidora Variegated 1
       10" California * 1
       10" Golden Dragon * 1
       10" Metal Head * 1
       10" Odora 12
       10" Regal Shields * 1
       12" Lutea * 1
       12" Regal Shields 1
       14" Black Stem * 1
       14" Low Rider 1
       14" Metal Head * 1
       14" Odora * 1
       14 Portora * 1
       17" Calidora 1
       17" Metal Head * 1
       17" Portora 1
       17" Tyrion 1
       2" Hybrid Assortment 90
       4" Blue Elf * 30
       4" Tiger Tooth * 30
       4" Solar Flare * 30
       4" Aloe Vera * 30
       4" White Fox * 30
       6" Blue Elf * 12
       6" Christmas Carol * 12
       6" Hedgehog * 18
       6" Hybrid Assortment * 12
       6" Aloe Vera * 12
       8" Solar Flare 1
       8" Aloe Vera 1
Aloe (continue)
       10" Aloe Delta Lights * 1
       10" Hedgehog 1
       10" Safari Sunset * 1
       10" Aloe Vera * 1
       4" Party Time 12
       4" True Yellow * 30
       6" Ruby Flake HB (Sale) 12
       4" Medium Spiderman 30
       6" Medium Spiderman * 12
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Crytallinum 30
       5" Red 20
       6" Big Red Bird 12
       6" Cobra * 12
       6" Jungle * 12
       6" Pizzazz 12
       6" Vittarifolium * 12
       10" Hookerii Birdnest * 1
       10" Red * 1
       12" Big Red Bird 1
       3" Assortment 56
       6" False * 12
       8" Fabian C * 1
       8" Fabian Stump * 1
       10" Balfour Stump * 1
       10" Fabian Stump * 1
       10" False * 1
       12" Fabian Stump * 1
       14" False * 1
       8" Cast Iron Green * 1
       10" Cast Iron Green * 1
       10" Cast Iron Variegated * 1
       2" Maculata Polka Dot 90
       2" Rex Red Kiss * 90
       4" Maculata White Polka Dot * 30
       5" Rieger Assortment * 20
       5" Rex Assortment * 20
       6" Rex Assortment * 12
Bird of Paradise
       6" White * 12
       8" White * 1
       10" Orange * 1
       10" White * 1
       10" Yellow * 1
       14" Orange * 1
       17" Orange 1
Bonsai Finished
Page 4

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       6" Box of 9: Bonsai Asst in Ceram... 1
       6" Box of 12: Juniper Bonsai * 12
       8" Box of 6: Bonsai Asst in Ceram... 6
Bonsai Material (Grower Pot)
       1G Pre-Bonsai Dwarf Mondo 12
       1G Ilex Dwarf Yaupon Schilling 12
       1G Pre-Bonsai Ilex Steeds 12
       2" Pre-Bonsai Assortment * 90
       2" Pre-Bonsai Dwarf Mondo 120
       2" Gardenia Radicans 120
       2" Ginger Variegated 120
       2" Ilex Dwarf Yaupon Schilling 144
       2" Pre-Bonsai Ilex Soft Touch 100
       2" Pre-Bonsai Ilex Steeds 100
       2" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Procumbens * 120
       2" Pre-Bonsai Juniper San Jose * 120
       2" Pre-Bonsai Juniper San Jose * 120
       2" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Skyrocket * 120
       3" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Procumbens * 64
       4" Pre-Bonsai Dwarf Mondo 30
       4" Ginger Variegated 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Ilex Soft Touch 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Procumbens * 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Juniper San Jose * 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Shimpaku * 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Skyrocket * 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Serissa Green * 30
       4" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Procumbens * 30
       5" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Procumbens * 40
       6" Staked Juniper Procumbens * 30
       6" Pre-Bonsai Juniper San Jose * 12
       6" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Shimpaku * 12
       6" Pre-Bonsai Juniper Skyrocket * 30
       6" Pre-Bonsai Serissa Green * 12
       10" Aechmea Assortment * 1
Bromeliad Assortment
       4" Assorted Varieties * 30
Bromeliad Alcantarea
       14" Imperialis * 1
Bromeliad Cryptanthus
       2" Assortment * 50
       3" Assortment * 50
       4" Red Star * 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
Bromeliad Garden Small
       6" Box of 8 Garden on Cypress * 1
Bromeliad Guzmania
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Orange-Red * 12
       6" Burgundy * 12
       6" Orange * 12
Bromeliad Guzmania (continue)
       6" Red * 12
       6" White * 12
       6" Yellow * 12
Bromeliad Neoregelia
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Fireball 12
Bromeliad Pineapple
       8" Red 1
Bromeliad Tillandsia Loose
       Assorted Box Sm Md & Few Large * 1
       Lg Box of 10 Large Asst * 1
       Md Box of 25 Medium Asst * 1
       Small Box of 40 Small Asst * 1
       Assorted Box of Xerogr. 4 Lg & 6 Md * 1
       Large Box of 6 Large Xerographica * 1
       Medium Box of 8 Md Xerographica * 1
       Sm Box of 10 Small Xerographica 1
Bromeliad Tillandsia Pots
       2" Box of 25 Mini Pots * 1
Bromeliad Tree
       X-Large Box of 1 X Lg 5' Tall * 1
       Large Box of 4-30 in Tall * 1
       Medium Box of 2 Md 24 Inch Tall * 1
       2" Ancistrophora 90
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Bocosana 90
       2" Peanut Chamaecereus * 90
       2" Dybowski * 90
       2" Fairytale Castle * 90
       2" Guenteri 90
       2" Histrix * 90
       2" Mammillaria Elongata 90
       2" Mammillaria Polythele * 90
       2" Mammillaria Zeilmanniana * 90
       2" Opuntia Assortment * 90
       2" Pachycladus 90
       2" Parodia Magnifica * 90
       2" Parodia Warasii * 90
       2" Peninsulae 90
       2" Mam Spinossima Rubrospina 90
       3" Assortment * 50
       3G Dragon Fruit * 1
       3" Cactus Color Tops Assortment * 50
       3" Opuntia Assortment * 50
       4" Cactus Color Tops Asst * 30
       4" Deluxe Assortment * 30
       4" Domino * 30
       4" Dragon Fruit * 30
       4" Fairytale Castle * 30
       4" Foxtail-White * 30
       4" Golden Barrel * 30
       4" Mammillaria Elongata * 30
Page 5

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Cactus (continue)
       4" Monkey Tail Orange (Straight) * 30
       4" Old Man * 30
       4" Opuntia Assortment * 30
       4" Opuntia Bunny Ears (Mickey Mou... 30
       4" Opuntia Tuna 30
       4" Orchid Shark's Tooth * 30
       4" Rare Assortment * 30
       6" Cactus Assortment * 12
       6" Assortment HB 12
       6" Dragon Fruit 12
       6" Fairytale Castle * 12
       6" Golden Barrel * 12
       6" Opuntia Prickly Pear Green * 12
       6" Orchid Shark Tooth * 12
       6" Peanut HB * 12
       8" Cereus Monstrosus * 1
       8" Fairytale Castle * 1
       8" Fern Leaf HB * 1
       8" Golden Barrel * 1
       8" Grower's Choice * 1
       8" Orchid Shark Tooth HB * 6
       8" Spiral * 1
       8" Stapelia HB * 1
       10" Cactus 1
       10" Cereus Monstrosus * 1
       10" Eritrea * 1
       10" Golden Barrel * 1
       10" Grower's Choice * 1
       10" Jamacaru 2ppp 1
       10" Opuntia 1
       10" Poliskia Chichope * 1
       2" Assortment * 90
       4" Amagris 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Beauty Star * 30
       4" Burle Marx * 30
       4" Concina (Freddie) * 30
       4" Dottie * 30
       4" Fasciata * 30
       4" Lancifolia * 30
       4" Makoyana * 30
       4" Medallion * 30
       4" Musaica (Network) * 30
       4" Orbifolia * 30
       4" Ornata * 30
       4" Picturata * 30
       4" Red Peacock 30
       4" Roseaopicta Green Lipstick 30
       4" Rufibarba Blue Grass 30
       4" Stella * 30
       4" Vittata * 30
       4" Warscewiczii * 30
Calathea (continue)
       4" White Fusion * 30
       4" Yellow Allusion * 30
       4" Zebrina * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Beauty Star * 12
       6" Concina * 12
       6" Ctenanthe Setosa * 12
       6" Illusions 12
       6" Lancifolia * 12
       6" Makoyana * 12
       6" Medallion * 12
       6" Musaica * 12
       6" Ornata * 12
       6" Picturata * 12
       6" Pilosa * 12
       6" Red Peacock 12
       6" Roseopicta Green Lipstick * 12
       6" Rosy Roseopicta * 12
       6" Shine Star * 12
       6" Stella * 12
       6" Warscewiczii * 12
       6" White Fusion * 12
       6" Calathea Zebrina * 12
       8" Ctenanthe Setosa * 1
       8" Lancifolia * 1
       8" Misto * 1
       8" Stella * 1
       8" White Fusion * 1
       14" Cinnamon Standard * 1
Carnivorous Assortment
       2" Assortment * 90
Carnivorous Drosera
       2" Drosera Capensis * 90
       2" Capensis Alba * 90
       2" Drosera Capensis Asst * 90
       2" Spatulata Sun Dew 90
Carnivorous Nepenthes
       2" Bloody Mary * 90
       2" Gaya * 90
       2" Green Dionea Miscipula 90
       2" Lady Luck 90
       2" Lowii Ventricosa Red 90
       2" Rebecca * 90
       2" Nepenthes Black Miracle 90
       4" Alata HB * 30
Carnivorous Sarracenia
       2" Purpera Venosa 90
       2" Velvet 90
       3" Box of 25 Trumpet Pitcher * 1
Carnivorous Venus Flytrap
       2" Box of 50 Venus Flytrap Green * 1
       2" Box of 50 Flytrap Green * 1
Page 6

The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Carnivorous Venus Flytrap (continue)
       3" Box of 15 Flytrap Dome * 1
       3" Box of 25 Flytrap in Dome * 1
       3" Box of 15 in Monster Box * 1
       6" Box of 9 Bog Garden * 1
       6" Box of 6 Bog w Display * 1
       10" Box of 6 Glass Hanging Pear * 1
China Doll
       4" China Doll * 30
       6" China Doll * 12
       8" Large Leaf Stump 1
       10" China Doll * 1
       12" Large Leaf Stump * 1
       12" Multi Standard 1
       17" Large Leaf 1
Chlorophytum (Spider)
       2" Variegated * 90
       4" Bonnie * 30
       4" Comosum Atlantic 30
       4" Maria 30
       6" Bonnie Pot * 12
       6" Hawaiian 12
       6" Reverse * 12
       8" Bonnie HB * 6
       8" Spider Green Irish HB * 6
       8" Hawaiian HB * 6
       4" Grape Ivy * 30
       4" Oak Ivy * 30
       8" Oak HB * 6
       8" Quadrangularis HB * 1
Citrus Cocktail
       1G Bush: 2 in 1 Pot 1
Citrus Grapefruit
       1G Ray Ruby Std 1
       3G Ray Ruby Bush 1
       10G Ray Ruby Standard 1
       10G Ruby Red Standard 1
       30G Flame Standard 1
       30G Ray Ruby Standard 1
       30G Ruby Red Standard 1
Citrus Kumquat
       5G Centennial Var Standard 1
       10G Negami Long Standard 1
Citrus Lemon
       1G Meyer Bush * 1
       1G Ponderosa Bush * 1
       1G Var. Pink Bush 1
       3G Eureka Bush 1
       3G Meyer Bush * 1
       3G Ponderosa Bush 1
       3G Variegated Pink Bush 1
       5G Harvey Standard 1
       5G Meyer Standard * 1
Citrus Lemon (continue)
       5G Ponderosa Standard 1
       5G Sambo Bush 1
       10G Harvey Standard 1
       10G Meyer Standard 1
       10G Ponderosa Standard 1
       10G Sambo Standard 1
       30G Meyer Standard 1
       30G Ponderosa Standard 1
       30G Sambo Standard 1
Citrus Lime
       1G Key Limequat Bush * 1
       3G Key Limequat Bush 1
       5G Indian Sweet Standard 1
       5G Kaffir Standard 1
       5G Key Limequat Standard 1
       5G Key Thorny Standard 1
       5G Persian Standard 1
       5G Red Standard * 1
       10G Kaffir Standard 1
       10G Key Thorny Standard 1
       10G Red Standard 1
       30G Kaffir Standard 1
       30G Red Standard 1
Citrus Orange
       1G Red Navel Bush 12
       3G Navel Bush 1
       3G Red Navel Bush 1
       5G Ambersweet Standard 1
       5G Blood Standard 1
       5G Hamlin Standard * 1
       5G Naval Red Standard 1
       5G Naval Standard * 1
       5G Page Standard 1
       5G Temple Standard 1
       5G Valencia Standard * 1
       10G Blood Standard 1
       10G Hamlin Standard 1
       10G Navel Standard 1
       10G Page Standard 1
       10G Pineapple Standard 1
       10G Red Navel Standard 1
       10G Spring Navel Standard 1
       10G Valancia Standard 1
       30G Amber Sweet Standard 1
       30G Blood Standard 1
       30G Hamlin Standard 1
       30G Navel Standard 1
       30G Valencia Standard 1
Citrus Persian
       10G Persian Standard 1
Citrus Sour Orange
       1G Calamondin Bush * 1
       3G Calamondin Bush 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Citrus Sour Orange (continue)
       10G Calamondin Standard 1
       30G Calamondin 1
Citrus Tangelo
       5G Minneola Honey Bell Standard 1
       5G Orlando Standard 1
       10G Minnola Standard 1
       30G Honey Bell Standard 1
       30G Orlando Standard 1
Citrus Tangerine
       5G Dancy Standard * 1
       5G Satsuma Standard 1
       10G Dancy Standard 1
       10G Fallglo Standard 1
       10G Ponkan Standard 1
       10G Satsuma Standard 1
       30G Murcott Standard 1
       2" Princess * 80
       4" Princess * 30
       2" Coffee * 90
       3" Bush * 56
       4" Arabica * 30
       8" Arabica * 1
       14" Arabica * 1
       4" Foliage Combo * 30
       6" Foliage Combo: No 1/2 Trays * 12
Cordia Sebestana
       14" Orange Geiger Tree * 1
Cotyledon Orbiculata
       2" Silver Peak 90
       2" Campfire * 90
       2" Jade Ovata Hobbit * 90
       2" Jade Regular * 90
       2" Shark's Tooth * 90
       4" Jade Regular * 30
       4" Jade Regular Clay Pot * 40
       6" Jade Regular * 12
       8" Jade Regular * 1
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Banana * 30
       4" Batik 30
       4" Gold Dust * 30
       4" Gold Star 30
       4" Mammy * 30
       4" Petra * 30
       4" Picasso (Paintbrush) * 30
       4" Sunny Star 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Curly Boy * 12
Croton (continue)
       6" Iceton Clumps (Sale) * 12
       6" Iceton Red 12
       6" Magnificent * 12
       6" Mammy * 12
       6" Petra * 12
       6" Picasso (Paintbrush) 12
       8" Assortment 1
       8" Curly Boy * 1
       8" Iceton * 1
       8" Mammy * 1
       8" Petra * 1
       8" Picasso (Paintbrush) * 1
       10" Eleanor Roosevelt 1
       10" Mammy Standard * 1
       10" Petra Standard * 1
       14" Gold Dust * 1
       14" Petra * 1
       17" Petra 1
       4" Johnstonii 30
       2.5" Pickle Plant * 48
       4" Pickle Plant * 30
       6" Pickle Plant 12
Desert Rose
       4" Desert Rose * 30
       6" Grafted Hybrid * 12
       10" Grafted Hybrid * 1
       14" Grafted Hybrid * 1
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Amy * 30
       4" Camille * 30
       4" Camouflage * 30
       4" Compacta * 30
       4" Cougar * 30
       4" Starbright 30
       4" Tropic Marianne * 30
       6" Camouflage * 12
       6" Panther * 12
       6" Reflector * 12
       6" Snow * 12
       8" Camouflage * 1
       8" Memoria Corsii * 1
       8" Panther * 1
       8" Sterling * 1
       8" Tiki * 1
       8" Tropic Marianne * 1
       8" Compacta * 1
       8" Tropic Snow * 1
       10" Elena 1
       10" Corsii * 1
       10" Panther * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Dieffenbachia (continue)
       10" Tiki * 1
       10" Tropic Snow * 1
       14" Camouflage * 1
       4" Dischidia Watermelon * 30
       4" Platyphylla * 30
       5" Variegated * 30
Dish Garden Ceramic
       6" Box of 10 Assortment * 1
       6" Box of 9 Ceramic Fairy Garden * 1
       8" Box of 6 Assortment * 1
       8" Fairy Garden: No 1/2 Trays * 1
       10" Box of 4 Ceramic Asst * 4
       10" Box of 4 Fairy Garden * 1
       12" Box of 2 Assortment * 2
       12" Box of 2 Fairy Garden * 1
       14" Assortment (Each) * 1
Dish Garden Liner
       4" Box of 30 Clear Liner * 1
       5" Box of 20 Clear Liner * 1
       6" Box of 12 Clear Liner * 1
       7" Box of 9 Clear Liner * 1
       8" Box of 8 Clear Liner * 1
       9" Box of 6 Clear Liner * 1
       10" Box of 5 Clear Liner * 1
       12" Box of 3 Clear Liner * 1
       14" Box of 2 Clear Liner * 1
Dish Garden Terracotta Clay
       Medium Box of 2 Two Tiered Plantscape * 1
       8" Box of 5 Fairy Garden * 1
       8" Box of 5 Plastic Terracotta * 1
       10" Box of 4 Plastic Terracotta * 1
       12" Box of 2 Plastic Terracotta * 1
Dish Garden Terracotta Plastic
       6" Box of 10 Plastic Terracotta * 1
       14" Box of 1 Plastic Terracotta * 1
       16" Box of 1 Oval Plastic Terracot... * 3
Dish Garden Wicker
       6" Box of 10 Wicker Basket * 1
       8" Box of 6 Wicker Basket * 1
       10" Box of 4 Wicker Basket * 1
       11" Box of 3 Wicker Basket * 1
       12" Box of 2 Wicker Basket * 1
       14" Box of 1 Wicker Basket * 1
       18" Box of 1 Wicker Basket * 1
Dish Garden Wooden
       5" Box of 12 Bee Asst * 1
Dracaeana Cintho
       6" Cintho Cane 1
       8" CB Cane * 1
       10" CB Cane * 1
       12" 4-3-2-1 * 1
Dracaena Assortment
       4" Assortment 30
Dracaena Bronze Bay
       12" Bronze Bay 1
Dracaena Dragon
       4" Warneckii Lemon Surprise * 30
Dracaena Florida Beauty
       6" Florida Beauty 12
Dracaena Giganta
       10" Giganta * 1
Dracaena Godseffiana
       14: Godseffiana 1
Dracaena Gold Coast
       4" Cane * 12
       10" CB 3-2-1 1
       12" Set * 1
       12" CB 4-3-2-1 1
Dracaena Kristi
       8" Bush * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       12" Kristi 1
Dracaena Marginata
       8" Candleabra * 1
Dracaena Marley
       6" Marley * 12
       10" Marley * 1
Dracaena Moonlight
       4" Cane * 30
Dracaena Sanderiana
       2" Sanderiana 90
       4" Gold * 30
       4" White * 30
Dracaena Santa Rosa
       10" Santa Rosa * 1
       10" 24-18-12 Cane 1
Dracaena Warneckii
       4" Warneckii * 30
       4" Lemon Lime * 30
       6" Bush * 12
       6" Lemon Lime * 12
       8" Lemon Lime * 1
       9" Ulises Cane 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Cane 3-2-1 1
       10" Compacta 3-2-1 1
       10" Lemon Lime * 1
       14" Lemon Lime * 1
Dracaena Anita
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Variegated Stump 1
       12" Variegated Stump * 1
       14" Variegated Stump 1
       17" Variegated Stump * 1
Dracaena Arborea
       14" Multi 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Dracaena Arborea (continue)
       14" Single * 1
       17" Multi 1
Dracaena Art (Carmen)
       8" Art Bush * 1
       10" Art Bush * 1
       14" Art Bush * 1
Dracaena Black Beauty
       8" Bush 1
       10" Bush 1
Dracaena Combo
       8" Triple Combo * 1
       10" Triple Combo * 1
Dracaena Corn
       10" Mass 4-3-2 * 1
       10" Mass Stump * 1
Dracaena Dragon
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Green Jewel * 30
       4" Jade Jewel * 30
       4" Twister * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Dorado * 12
       6" Green Jewel * 12
       6" Tornado * 12
       6" Tripple Combo * 12
       6" Twister * 12
       6" Warneckii Lemon Surprise * 12
       8" Dorado * 1
       8" Florado * 1
       8" Green Jewel * 1
       8" Tornado * 1
       10" Dorado 3-2-1 * 1
       10" CB 3-2-1 1
       10" Green Jewel Cane 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Tornado * 1
       12" Dorado 4-3-2-1 * 1
       12" Dorado CB 4-3-2-1 * 1
       12" Green Jewel 4-3-2-1 * 1
       14" Dorado * 1
       14" Florado 1
       14" Green Jewel * 1
       14" Green Jewel Bush 1
       14" Tornado * 1
Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine
       8" Cane * 1
Dracaena Janet Craig
       3" Compacta * 56
       4" Compacta * 30
       6" Bush * 12
       6" Compacta * 12
       8" Compacta * 1
       8" Compacta Cane 1
       8" Cutback Cane * 1
Dracaena Janet Craig (continue)
       8" Limelight * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Compacta Bush * 1
       10" Limelight * 1
       12" Bush * 1
       12" Lind * 1
       14" JC Compacta 1
       14" Limelight * 1
Dracaena Limon
       6" Limon 12
       8" Limon * 1
       14" Limon 12
Dracaena Lisa
       9" Elegance 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Elegance 4-3-2-1 Cane * 1
       12" Elegance CB Cane 4-3-2-1 * 1
Dracaena Marginata
       4" Bicolor Tip * 30
       4" Magenta Tip * 30
       6" Bicolor Braid * 12
       6" Kiwi * 12
       6" Magenta Braid * 12
       6" Magenta Tip * 12
       8" Cutback Staggered * 1
       8" Kiwi * 1
       10" Bicolor Braid 1
       10" Candelabra CB * 1
       10" Colorama Bush * 1
       10" Kiwi * 1
       10" Magenta Braid 1
       10" Magenta Cane 24-12-6 1
       10" Magenta CB Stump 1
       10" Magenta Tip 1
       10" Tip 1
       12" Colorama Column * 1
       12" Cutback Staggered 1
       12" Magenta CB Stump 1
       14" Candelabra CB * 1
       14" Cutback Staggered * 1
       14" Staggered * 1
       17" Cutback Standard * 1
Dracaena Mass
       10" Cane 4-3-2 * 1
Dracaena Pleomele
       4" Song of India * 30
       4" Song of Jamaica * 30
       6" Song of India * 12
       6" Song of Jamaica * 12
       8" Song of India * 1
       10" Reflexa Bush * 1
       10" Song of India * 1
       12" Song of India * 1
       14" Song of India * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Dracaena Pleomele (continue)
Dracaena Rikki
       10" Cane 3-2-1 * 1
Dracaena Tarzan
       10" Bush * 1
       14" Bush 1
Dracaena Yucca
       10" 2-1 * 1
       12" Yucca Cane 1PPP * 1
       17" Cane 6-5-4-3-2 * 1
       1" Debbie * 120
       1" Letizia * 120
       1" Yunnanensis Black 120
       2" Affinis * 90
       2" Agavoides Christmas 90
       2" Agavoides Red Tip 90
       2" Alita 90
       2" Agavoides Amistar 90
       2" Amoena 90
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Benitukasa 90
       2" Blue Atol * 90
       2" Crispate Beauty 90
       2" Dark Rose 90
       2" Debbie * 90
       2" Elegance * 90
       2" Filiferum * 90
       2" Holy Gate * 90
       2" Jumbo Assortment * 72
       2" Letizia * 90
       2" Love Rose 90
       2" McDougalli * 90
       2" Madiba 90
       2" Melaco 90
       2" Morning Dew 90
       2" Neon Breaker's 90
       2" Painted Frills * 90
       2" Pelusida * 90
       2" Perle Von Nurnberg * 90
       2" Pink Trumpet * 90
       2" Pollux 90
       2" Premium Assortment * 90
       2" Purpesorum * 80
       2" Purple Dance 90
       2" Purple Pearl * 90
       2" Summer * 90
       2" Taco 90
       2" Tangilo * 90
       2" Texensis 90
       2" Topsy Turvy * 40
       2" Tortuga 90
       3" Amistar 56
       3" Assortment * 50
Echeveria (continue)
       3" Decora 50
       3" Pink Trumpet * 50
       3" Speed Bump 56
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Chantilly Variegated * 30
       4" Culibra 90
       4" Perle Von Nurnberg * 30
       4" Pollux 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Blue Atol * 12
       6" Elegans 12
       6" Perle Von Nurnberg * 12
       6" Topsy Turvy * 12
       8" Assortment * 1
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Ric Rac (Zig Zag) * 12
       4" Shangri La * 30
       6" Epipremnum Silver 12
       6" Amplissimum Variegated 30
       10" Amplissimum Pole * 1
Epipremnum Pinnatum
       4" Cebu Blue * 30
       4" Variegated Albo * 30
       6" Aurea * 12
       6" Baltic Blue 12
       6" Cebu Blue * 12
       6" Marble Flame Pole * 12
       6" Variegated Albo HB * 1
       6" Variegated Albo HB 12
       6" Variegated Albo Pole * 12
       6" Variegated Neon HB 12
       8" Amplissimum HB * 6
       8" Aurea Trellis * 1
       8" Cebu Blue HB * 6
       10" Variegated Albo Pole * 1
       10" Variegated Neon * 1
       14" Variegated Neon Pole * 1
       10" Spiral * 1
       14" 1 Ball * 1
       14" Cone * 1
       14" Globe 1
       17" Topiary Cone 1
       2" Neriifolia 90
       2" Firestick Pencil Cactus * 90
       2" Tigrona * 90
       3" Trigona Red * 63
       3" Assortment * 63
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Devil's Backbone Green * 30
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Euphorbia (continue)
       4" Devil's Backbone Variegated 30
       4" Firestick Pencil Cactus * 30
       5" Crown of Thorns Assortment * 20
       5" Trigona Variegated * 20
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Crown of Thorns Assortment * 12
       6" Drupifera Assortment 6
       6" Pencil Cactus * 12
       8" Assortment * 1
       8" Pencil Cactus * 1
       8" Trigona Red * 1
       10" Crown of Thorns Grower's Choic... * 1
       10" Lactea Compacta 1
       10" Trigona Green 1
       10" Trigona Red 1
       6" Gigantea Tractor Seat * 12
       6" Shi Shi Botan * 12
       10" Gigantea Tractor Seat * 1
       10" Shi Shi Botan * 1
       10" Japonica Green * 12
Faucaria Tigrina
       1" Tiger Jaw * 120
       2" Tiger Jaw * 90
Fern Autumn
       4" Autumn * 30
       6" Autumn * 12
Fern Asparagus
       4" Foxtail * 30
       4" Ming * 30
       6" Foxtail * 12
       6" Plumosus * 12
       8" Sprengeri HB * 6
       10" Foxtail * 1
       10" Sprengerii HB * 4
Fern Austral Gem
       6" Austral Gem * 12
Fern Birdnest
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Crissie * 30
       4" Japanese * 30
       4" Leslie * 30
       4" Nidus (Regular) * 30
       4" Victoria * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Crissie * 12
       6" Hurricane * 12
       6" Japanese * 12
       6" Nidus (Regular) * 12
       6" Victoria * 12
       8" Crissie * 1
       8" Japanese * 1
Fern Birdnest (continue)
       10" Japanese * 1
Fern Boston Types
       4" Boston 30
       4" Boston Assortment * 30
       4" Compacta * 30
       4" Dallas 30
       4" Florida Ruffle 30
       4" Jester's Crown * 30
       4" Petticoat 30
       4" Rita's Gold * 30
       6" Boston * 12
       6" Boston Assortment * 12
       6" Compacta * 12
       6" Dallas * 12
       6" Fishtail * 12
       6" Florida Ruffle * 12
       6" Jester's Crown * 12
       6" Petticoat * 12
       6" Rita's Gold * 12
       8" Boston HB Asst * 6
       8" Compacta HB * 6
       8" Tiger Stripe HB * 6
       10" Nevada HB * 4
       10" Boston Plastic Hanger HB * 4
       10" Dallas HB 4
       10" Fishtail HB 4
       10" Jester's Crown 1
       10" Petticoat HB * 4
       12" Nevada HB * 1
Fern Button
       4" Button * 30
       6" Button * 12
Fern Cotton Candy
       4" Cotton Candy * 30
       8" Cotton Candy HB * 6
Fern Crocodyllus
       4" Crocodyllus * 30
       6" Crocodyllus * 12
       8" Crocodyllus HB 6
Fern Exotic
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
Fern Footed
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Blue Star * 30
       4" Blue Star Davana 30
       4" Deer Foot * 30
       4" Elkhorn (Green Flame) * 30
       4" Kangaroo (Wart) * 30
       4" Rabbit's Foot * 30
       6" Blue Star * 12
       6" Deer Foot * 12
       6" Rabbit's Foot * 12
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Fern Footed (continue)
       8" Rabbit's Foot HB * 6
Fern Green Fantasy
       4" Green Fantasy * 30
       6" Green Fantasy * 12
Fern Holly
       4" East Indian * 30
       4" Regular * 30
       6" Dwarf 12
       6" Regular * 12
Fern Kimberly Queen
       4" Kimberly Queen * 30
       6" Kimberly Queen * 12
       8" Kimberly Queen * 1
       10" Kimberly Queen HB * 4
       14" Kimberly Queen * 1
Fern Korean Rock
       6" Korean Rock * 12
Fern Lemon Button
       4" Lemon Button * 30
       6" Lemon Button * 12
       8" Lemon Button HB * 6
Fern Mahogany
       4" Mahogany * 30
       6" Mahogony * 12
Fern Maidenhair
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Bronze Venus * 30
       4" Fragrens * 30
       4" Fritz Luthi * 30
       4" Pacific * 30
       4" Rosy * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Bronze Venus * 12
       6" Fragrens * 12
       6" Fritz Luthi * 12
       6" Giant Maidenhair * 12
       6" Pacific * 12
       6" Rosey * 12
       8" Assorted HB 6
       8" Fragrens HB * 6
       8" Fritz Luthi HB * 6
       8" Pacific HB 6
       10" Fragrens HB * 4
Fern Pteris
       4" Mayaii 30
       4" Silver Lace * 30
       4" Silver Ribbon * 30
       4" Tricolor * 30
       6" Silver Lace * 12
       6" Silver Ribbon * 12
       6" Tricolor * 12
       8" Silver Ribbon * 1
Fern Shiva
       4" Shiva * 30
Fern Southern Shield
       4" Southern Shield * 30
       6" Southern Shield * 12
Fern Staghorn
       4" Bifurcatum * 30
       4" Bifurcatum Netherlands (Sale) * 30
       4" Playcerium Wandae 30
       4" Veitchii 30
       6" Netherlands * 12
       6" Box of 12 Staghorn Plaque * 1
       8" Bifurcatum HB * 6
Fern Tree
       4" Australian 30
       6" Australian * 12
       8" Brazilian * 1
       8" Silver Lady * 1
Fern Macho
       10" Macho * 1
Ficus Audrey
       8" Standard * 1
       10" Braid * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Standard * 1
       14" Audrey Bush * 1
       14" Standard * 1
       17" Multi Standard * 1
Ficus Gensing
       6" Grower Pot * 12
Ficus Moclame
       4" Moclame * 30
       10" Stanard * 1
       14" Standard 1
       17" Moclame Standard * 1
Ficus Quercifolia
       2" Quercifolia String of Frogs * 90
Ficus Triangularis
       1 Variegated Cone 1
       1 Variegated Trellis 1
       6" Variegated * 12
       8" Variegated (Sale) * 1
       10" Green 1
       10" Variegated Bush * 1
       14" Green * 1
       14" Variegated Bush * 1
       14" Variegated Standard 1
       17" Variegated Bush 1
Ficus Alii
       10" Braid * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Standard * 1
       14" Braid * 1
       14" Standard * 1
       17" Standard * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Ficus Alii (continue)
Ficus Benjamina
       10" Wintergreen Braid 1
       10" Daniella Braid * 1
       10" Green Braid * 1
       10" Wintergreen Braid 1
       12" Daniella Braid * 1
       12" Green Braid * 1
       12" Green Standard * 1
       14" Daniella Braid 1
       14" Daniella Standard * 1
       14" Green Braid * 1
       14" Green Standard * 1
       14" Wintergreen Standard * 1
       17" Daniella Standard * 1
       17" Green Standard * 1
Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig)
       8" Bush * 1
       8" Column 1
       8" Little Fiddle Bush (Bambino) * 1
       8" Little Fiddle Standard (Bambin... 1
       8" Standard * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Column * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Little Sunshine Column 1
       12" Column * 1
       12" Standard 1
       14" Bush * 1
       17" Bush * 1
Ficus Microcarpa (Green Island)
       14" Bush 1
Ficus Nitida
       17" Standard 1
Ficus Quercifolia
       4" Quercifolia String of Frogs * 30
       6" Quercifolia String of Frogs HB 12
Ficus Repens
       4" Green Creeping Fig * 30
       6" Green Creeping Fig * 12
Ficus Rubber
       4" Burgundy * 30
       4" Robusta Green * 30
       4" Ruby Red Bush * 30
       4" Shivereana Moonshine * 30
       4" Sofia * 30
       4" Tineke * 30
       6" Burgundy * 12
       6" Ruby Red Bush * 12
       6" Shivereana Moonshine * 12
       6" Tineke * 12
       8" Altissima Golden Gem Std * 1
       8" Burgundy Standard * 1
       8" Burgundy Bush * 1
Ficus Rubber (continue)
       8" Melany Standard 1
       8" Ruby Red Bush * 1
       8" Tineke Bush * 1
       10" Golden Gem Standard * 1
       10" Burgundy Bush * 1
       10" Melany Standard * 1
       12" Altissima Golden Gem Standard * 1
       12" Burgandy Bush * 1
       12" Burgandy Standard 1
       14" Altissima Golden Gem Standard * 1
       14" Altissima Green Std * 1
       14" Robusta Green Bush 1
       17" Burgundy Multi Std * 1
       10" Red * 1
       2" Albivenis Pink Hyrbid * 90
       2" White 90
       4" Pink * 30
       4" White * 30
Foliage Assortment
       3" Foliage Assortment * 56
       4" Foliage Assortment * 30
       6" Foliage Assortment * 12
       8" Foliage Assortment HB * 6
Foliage Assortment Harmony Exotic Collector
       6" Harmony's Exotic HB * 12
       8" Harmony's Exotic HB 6
       1G Feijoa Pineapple Guava 12
       2" Feijoa Pineapple Guava 120
       2G Guava Pink 1
       3G Blackberry Assortment 1
       3G Blueberry Assortment 1
       3G Feijoa Pineapple Guava * 1
       3G Fig Assortment 1
       3G Grape Assortment 1
       3G Raspberry Assortment 1
       4" Feijoa Pineapple Guava 30
       4" Fig * 30
       4" Mulberry * 30
       4" Passion Edible * 30
       4" Patio Assortment * 30
       4" Pomegranate * 30
       5G Avocado Many Varieties 1
       6" Banana Dwarf Cavendish * 12
       6" Banana Super Dwarf Cavendish * 12
       8" Banana Ice Cream 1
       10" Banana Basjoo * 1
       10" Banana Double Mahoi * 1
       10" Banana Dwarf Cavendish * 1
       10" Banana Ensete Maureli Red * 1
       10" Banana Gran Nain * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Fruit (continue)
       10" Banana Orinoco 1
       10" Banana Siam Ruby * 1
       10" Barbados Cherry * 1
       10" Barbados Cherry Std * 1
       10" Brown Turkey Fig 1
       14" Barbados Cherry Std * 1
       15G Fig Tree 1
       15G Guava Tree Pink 1
       15G Mulberry Tree 1
       15G Olive Tree * 1
       17" Avocado Persea Avocado * 1
       17" Barbados Cherry * 1
       6" Foetida False Agave * 12
       10" Foetida False Agave 1
       17" Macdougalii Century Plant 1
       2" Durban: No Half Packs * 40
       2" Flow * 90
       2" Limpopo * 80
       2" Little Warty * 90
       2" Okavango * 80
       2" Royal Wolfgang * 80
       2" Zimflora * 80
       4" * 30
       4" Flow * 30
       4" Kyaka * 30
       4" Little Warty * 30
       4" Royal Wolfgang * 30
       4" Poeppigii * 30
Ginger Alpinia
       10" Variegated Shell * 1
       10" Purpurata Hot Pink 1
       14" Variegated Shell 1
       14" Purpurata Hot Pink 4 feet 1
       14" Purpurata Hot Pink 5 feet 1
       14" Purpurata Jungle King 4ft 1
       14" Purpurata Red Ginger 4ft 1
       17" Purpurata Red Ginger 5ft 1
       17" Purpurata Jungle King 6ft 1
       2" Apricott Variegated 90
       2" Gray Ghost 90
       3" Gray Ghost 50
       3" Pentandrum 50
       4" Pentandrum * 30
       2" Vera Higgins 90
       3" Purple Passion * 56
       4" Purple Passion * 30
       8" Purple Passion HB * 1
Gynura (continue)
       2" Aristata 90
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Big Band * 90
       2" Capetown 90
       2" Concolor * 80
       2" Enon * 90
       2" Haworthia Fasciata Ibrida * 90
       2" Limafolia: No Half Packs * 40
       2" Miami * 80
       2" Reticulata 90
       2" Retusa * 40
       2" Savanna No Half Packs * 40
       2" Universe * 80
       2" Zebra * 90
       3" Assortment * 63
       3" Premium Assortment * 56
       3" Zebra 63
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Miami * 30
       4" Pentagona * 30
       4" Savannah * 30
       4" Zebra * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Tiki 12
       8" Tiki 1
       4" Zilla 30
       2" Purple Waffle * 90
       3" Purple Waffle * 56
       4" Purple Waffle * 30
       4' Rosemary BBQ Cone * 30
       6" Rosemary BBQ Braid 12
       6" Rosemary BBQ Bush * 12
       6" Rosemary BBQ Cone * 12
       10" Rosemary BBQ Bush 1
       6" Camouflage 12
       6" Emerald Gem * 12
       6" Selby * 12
       8" Apoballis Purple Sword 1
       2" Assortment 100
       2" Kerri Heart Variegated * 80
       2" Green & Variegated * 90
       2" Kerri Var. Flame * 80
       3" Hindu Rope Green * 56
       4" Burtoniae Variegated * 30
       4" Carnosa * 30
       4" Carnosa Krimson Queen * 30
       4" Chelsea * 30
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Hoya (continue)
       4" Fungii 30
       4" Heuschkeliana Pink * 30
       4" Hoya Hindu Rope Green * 30
       4" Jade 30
       4" Kerri His & Hers * 30
       4" Krohniana Super Silver * 30
       4" Mathilde Splash * 30
       4" Meliflua 30
       4" Pubicalyx Speckled * 30
       4" Rosita * 30
       4" Sunrise * 30
       4" Wayetti Tricolor * 30
       4" Wayetti Green * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Assortment HB 12
       6" Black Margin Parasitica * 12
       6" Carnosa Green (Sale) 12
       6" Carnosa Krimson Queen * 12
       6" Fungii 12
       6" Green & Variegated * 12
       6" Pubicalyx Speckled (Sale) * 12
       6" Silver Splash HB 12
       6" Sunrise * 12
       8 Hoya Asst HB 8
       8" Australis HB * 6
       8" Carnosa Green HB * 6
       8" Exotic HB Asst 6
       8" Fungii HB 6
       8" Jade HB 6
       8" Pubera HB 6
       8" Pubicalyx Speckled HB * 6
       8" Wayetti Green HB 6
       2" Tricolor 90
Hypoestes (Splash)
       4" Pink Splash * 30
       4" Splash Assortment * 30
       4" Multi Colors In Same Pot * 30
Ivy Assortment
       3" Green & Var Assortment * 56
       3" Variegated Assortment 56
       4" Green & Var Asst * 30
       6" Green & Var * 12
       8" Green & Var Asst HB * 6
Ivy Green Algerian
       4" Green * 30
       6" Green * 12
       8" Green HB * 6
       10" Green HB * 4
Ivy Green Varieties
       3" Green Assortment 56
       3" Greenheart * 56
       4" Green Assortment * 30
Ivy Green Varieties (continue)
       4" Asterisk * 30
       4" California 30
       4" Needlepoint * 30
       4" Greenheart * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Asterisk * 12
       6" Needlepoint * 12
       6" Greenheart * 12
       8" Green Assortment HB 6
       8" Hole In One Bulb Pan Ivy * 6
       8" Grower's Choice 6
       8" Greenheart HB * 6
       10" Bulbpan Hole in One 4
Ivy Neon Algerian
       4" Neon * 30
       6" Neon * 12
       8" Neon HB * 6
Ivy Variegated
       3" Kolibri (Calico) * 56
       4" Algerian Variegated * 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Eva * 30
       4" Gertrude Strauss 30
       4" Glacier * 30
       4" Gold Child * 30
       4" Kolibri * 30
       4" Algerian Var Marble * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Eva * 12
       6" Glacier * 12
       6" Gold Child * 12
       6" Kolibri * 12
       6" Gertrude Strauss * 12
       8" Algerian Variegated HB (No Hal... * 6
       8" Variegated Assortment HB 6
       8" Eva HB * 6
       8" Gold Child HB * 6
       8" Var Grower's Choice HB 6
       8" Kolibri HB 6
       8" Marble 6
Ivy Variegated
       3" Glacier * 56
       3" Gold Child * 56
       6" Algerian Variegated * 12
       3G Blue Pacific * 1
       2" Mother of Thoursands 90
       4.5" Blooming Assortment * 24
       4" Chocolate Soldier * 30
       4" Gastonis Donkey Ears * 30
       4" Silver Strand * 30
       4" Flapjack * 30
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Kalanchoe (continue)
       4" Tomentosa Panda 30
       6" Blooming Assortment * 12
       6" Flapjack * 12
       8" Gastonis Donkey Ears HB * 6
Landscape Agapanthus
       10" Blue * 1
       10" Getty White * 1
Landscape Expand + for More Info
Landscape Abelia
       1G Edward Groucher * 12
       1G Francis Mason * 12
       1G Rose Creek-White * 12
       3G Edward Groucher * 1
       3G Francis Mason * 1
       3G Rose Creek-White * 1
Landscape Agapanthus
       1G Blue * 12
       2G Ice Angel * 12
       2G Poppin' Star * 12
Landscape Anis
       10" Forest Green * 1
Landscape Aquatic Reed
       10" Horsetail 1
Landscape Arborvitae
       1G Berkman Gold * 12
       1G Blue Cone * 12
       1G Emerald Green 12
       1G Green Giant * 12
       1G Little Giant * 12
       2" Berkman Gold 120
       4" Berkman Gold 30
       4" Little Giant * 30
Landscape Azalea
       1G Silve Sword (Pink) 12
Landscape Baby Sunrose
       6" Pink * 12
       6" Variegated * 12
       6" Yellow * 12
Landscape Bamboo
       3G Mulitplex Fernleaf 1
       3G Multiplex Golden Goddess 1
Landscape Borrichia
       6" Grn Sea Oxeye Daisy 12
       6" Seaside Tansy 12
       6" Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy 12
       10" Seaside Tansy 1
Landscape Bottlebrush
       1G Red Cluster * 12
       2" Red Cluster * 120
       2" Slim 120
       3G Red Cluster * 1
Landscape Bottlebrush (continue)
       3G Slim 1
       4" Red Cluster 30
       4" Slim 120
Landscape Boxwood
       1G Green Mountain 12
       1G Japanese 12
       1G Wintergem * 12
       1G Wintergreen * 12
       3G Japanese * 1
       3G Wintergem * 1
       3G Wintergreen * 1
Landscape Brugmansia
       10" Angel's Trumpet Pink Bush * 1
Landscape Brunfelisa
       1G Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 12
       7G Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 1
Landscape Buddleia
       1G Black Knight * 12
       1G Nanhoe Blue * 12
Landscape Bulbine
       1G Hallmark Orange * 12
Landscape Butterfly Flower
       14" Bush 1
Landscape Buttonwood
       10" Green Bush * 1
       14" Green Bush * 1
       14" Silver Bush * 1
       17" Green Bush * 1
Landscape Caladium
       4" Assortment 30
Landscape Camelia
       3G Laura Walker 1
       7G Assortment 1
Landscape Canavalia Rosea
       6" Beach Bean * 12
Landscape Clerodendron
       10" Bleeding Heart Red Trellis * 1
Landscape Clusia
       10" Small Leaf * 1
       14" Rosea Variegated * 1
       14" Small Leaf * 1
       17" Small Leaf * 1
Landscape Coral Creeper
       6" Pink * 12
       6" Coral Creeper Purple * 12
Landscape Cordyline
       6" Assortment 12
       10" Black Magic * 1
       10" Florida Ti * 1
       10" Maria * 1
       10" Red Hot Chili Pepper * 1
       10" Red Sensation * 1
       10" Red Sister * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Landscape Cordyline (continue)
       10" Ruby 1
       14" Florida Ti * 1
       14" Red Sister * 1
Landscape Crimnum Lily
       14" Crimnum Lily Green * 1
Landscape Cypress
       1G Leyland 12
       1G Murray 12
       3G Leyland * 1
       3G Murray * 1
       4" Leyland 30
       4" Murray 30
Landscape Daniella
       3G Flax Lily * 1
Landscape Daylily
       1G Aztec Gold 12
       1G Black Eyed Stella 12
       1G Happy Returns 12
       1G Little Business-Red 12
       1G Ming Toy-Red 12
       1G Siloam Double Classic Peach 12
       1G Stella D'Orao-Yellow 12
Landscape Dipladenia
       6" Deep Red Hoop * 12
       6" Pink Bush * 12
       6" Pink Hoop * 12
       6" White Hoop * 12
       10" Pink Bush * 1
       10" Pink HB * 4
       10" Red Bush * 1
       10" Red HB * 4
       10" White Bush * 1
Landscape Duranta
       1G Gold Mound 12
       4" Gold Mound 30
       10" Gold Mound Bush 1
       10" Sapphire Bush * 1
       10" Sapphire Standard * 1
       14" Sapphire Standard * 1
Landscape Elaeagnus
       3G Ebbingei 1
       3G Pungens Silverthorn 1
Landscape Eugenia
       10" 1 Ball * 1
       10" 2 Ball * 1
       10" Cone * 1
       10" Globe * 1
Landscape Evolvulous
       6" Blue My Mind 12
Landscape Evolvulus
       1G Beach Bum Blue 12
       1G Blue Daze * 12
Landscape Fern
       1G Sprengerii 12
Landscape Ficus Repens
       1G Green * 12
Landscape Firebush
       10" Dwarf * 1
       10" Regular 1
Landscape Firecracker
       2" Red * 120
       6" Red * 12
Landscape Firefly
       10" Firefly 1
Landscape Gardenia
       10" August Beauty 1
       10" Bush 1
       10" Buttons 1
       10" Frost Proof 1
       10" Veitchii Bush * 1
       14" Aimee Standard * 1
Landscape Grass
       1G Adagio * 12
       1G Dwarf * 12
       1G Fountain Red * 12
       1G Miscanthus Adagio 12
       1G Muhly * 12
       1G Rush Blue 12
       1G Sand Cord * 12
       3G Fountain Red * 1
       3G FountainWhite 1
       3G Muhly * 1
       3G Pampass * 1
       3G Rush Blue 1
       3G Sand Cord * 1
       4" Adagio 30
       4" Muhly 30
       6" Lemongrass 12
       10" Dwarf * 1
       10" Lemongrass 1
       17" Tiger Grass 7 Ft * 1
Landscape Hibiscus
       6" Yellow Bush 12
       10" Double Peach Bush * 1
       10" Double Red Bush * 1
       10" Painted Lady Braid * 1
       10" Painted Lady Bush * 1
       10" President Red Bush * 1
       10" President Red Standard * 1
       10" Red Hot Bush * 1
       10" Sunset Yellow Bush 1
       14" Seminole Pink Bush 1
Landscape Hibiscus Exotic
       10" Exotic Red Bush * 1
Landscape Hibiscus Hibiscus Premium Colors
       10" Yellow Tequilla Bush * 1
Landscape Hibiscus Premium Colors
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       10" Fiesta Standard * 1
Landscape Hibiscus Premium Hollywood
       10" Bloom Bash Tee Pee 1
       10" First Lady Bush 1
       10" First To Arrive Tee Pee 1
       14" Orange 1
Landscape Hibiscus Premium Tradewinds
       10" Bonaire Wind Bush 1
       10" Cayman Wind Bush Pink 1
       10" Cayman Wind Bush Pink 1
Landscape Hydrangea
       3G Nikko Blue * 1
Landscape Ilex
       1G China Boy * 12
       1G China Girl * 12
       1G Crenata Compacta * 12
       1G Dwarf Burfordi * 12
       1G Hoogendoorn * 12
       1G Monarch PPAF (Network) 12
       1G Monarch PPAF (Non-Network) 12
       1G Needlepoint * 12
       1G Sky Pencil Cactus * 12
       1G Ilex Steeds * 12
Landscape Indian Hawthorn
       4" Alba 30
Landscape Iris
       1G African White * 12
       3G Apostle 1
Landscape Ixora
       3G Maui Yellow Bush * 1
       3G Maui Red Bush * 1
       3G Nora Grant Pink * 1
       3G Super King 1
       3G Taiwanese 1
       10" Petite Carmen * 1
Landscape Jasmine
       1G Carolina Staked * 12
       1G Carolina (Staked) 12
       1G Carolina (Unstaked) 12
       1G Minima Green * 12
       1G Minima Variegated * 12
       1G Sambac Maid of Orleans * 12
       1G Summer Sunset * 12
       3G Confederate Trellis * 1
       3G Confederate Variegated * 1
       3G Downy * 1
       3G Star 1
       5G Carolina 1
       7G Confederate Trellis * 1
       10" Night Blooming * 1
Landscape Jatropha
       10" Bush * 1
Landscape Juniper
       1G Andorra Compacta 12
Landscape Juniper (continue)
       1G Angelica Blue * 12
       1G Blue Chip 12
       1G Blue Harbor 12
       1G Blue Pacific * 12
       1G Blue Rug Wiltonii * 12
       1G Blue Star * 12
       1G Green Sargent * 12
       1G Hetzi * 12
       1G Lime Glow 12
       1G Procumbens Nana * 12
       1G San Jose * 12
       1G Shimpaku 12
       3G Andorra Compacta 1
       3G Blue Point 1
       3G Blue Rug 1
       3G Brodie 1
       3G Procumbens Nana 1
       4" Andorra Compacta 30
       4" Blue Chip 30
       4" Blue Harbor 30
       4" Procumbens Nana 30
       4" San Jose * 30
       4" Shimpaku 30
Landscape Lantana
       2" New Gold-Yellow * 80
       2" Red * 80
       6" Lantana Confretti * 12
       6" New Gold-Yellow * 12
       6" Purple * 1
       6" Red * 12
       6" White * 12
       10" Lantana Bush Asst * 1
Landscape Leptospermum
       3G New Zealand Tea * 1
Landscape Ligustrum
       1G Howardii * 12
       1G Jack Frost * 12
       1G Recurvifolia 12
       3G Howardi * 1
       3G Jack Frost * 1
       3G Lucidum Wax Leaf * 1
       3G Recurvifolia 1
       3G Sinense Variegated * 1
       4" Howardii * 30
       4" Jack Frost * 30
       4" Lucidum Wax Leaf * 30
       4" Recurvifolia 30
Landscape Liriope
       1G Aztec * 12
       1G Big Blue * 12
       1G Dwarf Mondo * 12
       1G Variegated * 12
       2" Dwarf Mondo * 120
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Landscape Liriope (continue)
       3" Dwarf Mondo 60
       3" Mondo Grass * 60
       4" Aztec * 30
       4" Big Blue * 30
       4" Dwarf Mondo 30
       4" Mondo Grass * 12
       4" Super Blue * 30
       4" Variegated * 30
       6" Emerald Goddess * 12
       6" Mondo Grass * 12
       10" Super Blue * 1
Landscape Loropetalum
       1G Carolina Midnight * 12
       1G Daruma 12
       1G Plum Delight * 12
       1G Ruby * 12
       2" Carolina Midnight * 120
       2" Plum Delight * 120
       2" Ruby 120
       4" Carolina Midnight * 30
       4" Ruby 30
Landscape Mandevilla
       6" Giant White Hoop * 12
       6" Pink Hoop * 12
       10" Crimson Red Giant Trellis * 1
       10" Fired Up * 1
       10" White Giant Trellis * 1
       10" Sunbeam Yellow Trellis * 1
       10" Tropical Breeze Rasp. Trellis 1
Landscape Mangave
       6" Frosted Elegance * 12
Landscape Mexican Honeysuckle
       10" Orange Braid/Standard * 1
Landscape Michelia Doltsopa
       17" Fairy Cream Magnolia 1
Landscape Nandina
       1G Firepower * 12
       1G Gulfstream 12
       3G Firepower * 1
       3G Gulfstream 1
Landscape Oleander
       10" Calypso Braid * 1
       10" Calypso Bush * 1
       10" Calypso Standard * 1
       10" Red Bush * 1
       14" Dwarf Pink Ice Bush 1
Landscape Osmanthus
       3G Tea Olive * 1
Landscape Palm
       6" Dwarf Green Malayan * 12
       6" King Sago * 12
       10" Bottle * 1
       10" Chinese Fan * 1
Landscape Palm (continue)
       10" Everglades 1
       10" King Sago * 1
       10" Queen Sago * 1
       10" Red Sealing 1
       10" Ribbon * 1
       10" Roebellini * 1
       12" Bottle * 1
       12" Chinese Fan * 1
       12" Coconut Green Malayan 1
       12" Queen Sago 1
       12" Roebellini * 1
       14" Alexander-Single 1
       14" Alexander-Triple 1
       14" Areca (Sun) 1
       14" Bismark 1
       14" Bottle * 1
       14" Bottle Triple 1
       14" Chinese Fan * 1
       14" Coconut Green Malayan * 1
       14" Everglades * 1
       14" Fishtail Sun Grown * 1
       14" King Sago * 1
       14" Old Man * 1
       14" Palmetto Saw Green 1
       14" Palmetto Saw Silver 1
       14" Queen Sago * 1
       14" Roebellini Multi Trunk * 1
       14" Bamboo Spindle * 1
       17" Areca * 1
       17" Bismark * 1
       17" Bottle Single * 1
       17" Bottle Triple 1
       17" Chinese Fan * 1
       17" Coconut Green Malayan * 1
       17" Coconut Green Malayan * 1
       17" Everglades 1
       17" Fishtail Sun Grown * 1
       17" King Sago * 1
       17" Mule * 1
       17" Old Man 1
       17" Queen Sago-Triple 1
       17" Roebellini Multi Trunk * 1
       21" Bismark * 1
       21" Bottle Triple * 1
       21" Bottle Triple 1
       21" Coconut Green Malayan 1
       21" Coconut Green Malayan Triple * 1
       21" Fishtail 3ppp Sun Grown * 1
       21" King Sago * 1
       21" Mule 1
       21" Old Man 1
       21" Queen Sago-Single * 1
       21" Queen Sago-Triple * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Landscape Palm (continue)
       21" Roebellini Multi Trunk * 1
Landscape Peanut
       2" Ornamental Eco Turf 80
       2" Ornamental Golden Glory 80
       6" Ornamental Eco Turf 12
       6" Ornamental Golden Glory 12
Landscape Photinia
       3G Red Tip * 1
Landscape Pittosporum
       3G Variegated * 1
       4" Variegated * 30
Landscape Plumaria
       10" Assortment 1
       14" Assortment 1
       17" Assortment 1
Landscape Plumbago
       10" Blue * 1
Landscape Podocarpus
       1G Pringles * 12
       10" Japanese Yew Bush * 10"
       10" Pringles * 1
       14" Bush * 1
       14" Japanese Yew * 1
Landscape Primrose
       6" Ganges Purple * 12
       6" Ganges Variegated * 12
       6" Ganges White * 12
Landscape Ruellia
       2" Pink 120
       6" Pink 12
       6" Purple Showers * 12
Landscape Serissa
       4" Green 30
Landscape Shrimp Plant
       10" Shrimp Red Braid * 1
Landscape Society Garlic
       2" Society Garlic 76
       4" Society Garlic 30
       6" Society Garlic 12
Landscape Thyrallis
       10" Bush * 1
Landscape Tibouchina
       10" Dwarf Jules * 1
Landscape Vibernum
       2" Suspensum 120
       4" Spring Boquet 30
Landscape Viburnum
       1G Odoratissimum * 12
       1G Spring Boquet 12
       1G Suspensum * 12
       2" Odoratissimum * 120
       2" Spring Boquet 80
       2" Suspensum * 80
Landscape Viburnum (continue)
       3G Densa * 1
       3G Mrs. Schiller's Delight * 1
       3G Odoratissimum * 1
       3G Spring Boquet 1
       3G Suspensum * 1
       3G Walther's Whorled Class * 1
       4" Odoratissimum * 30
       4" Spring Boquet 30
       7G Mrs. Schiller's Delight * 1
       7G Odoratissimum * 1
Landscape Zamia Furfuracea
       10" Cardboard Palm Sun Grown * 1
       14" Cardboard Palm Sun Grown * 1
       17" Cardboard Palm Sun Grown * 1
       21" Cardboard Palm Sun Grown * 1
Landscaping Talipartiti
       17" Beach Hibiscus Variegated 1
       2" Zebra Vine * 90
       4" Mona Lisa * 30
       6" Lobbianus 12
       6" Rasta * 12
       8" Black Pagoda HB * 12
       8" Lobbianus Var. HB * 12
       8" Mona Lisa HB * 6
       8" Tangerine HB * 6
Lucky Bamboo
       6" Trellis * 12
       10" Jaguar 1
       4" Assorted * 30
       4" Lemon * 30
       4" Red * 30
       4" Variegated Beauty Kim * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Green * 12
       6" Lemon * 12
       6" Red * 12
       6" Silver Band * 12
       8" Assortment HB 6
       8" Green HB * 6
       8" Lemon HB * 6
       8" Red HB * 6
       8" Silver Band (Sale) * 6
       4" Monstera Deliciosa * 30
       4" Dubia Plaque * 30
       4" Minima Little Ginny * 30
       4" Peru * 30
       4" Swiss Cheese * 30
       4" Thai Constellation * 30
       5" Thai Constellation 16
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Monstera (continue)
       6" Deliciosa * 12
       6" Minima Ginny * 12
       6" Peru * 12
       6" Swiss Cheese * 12
       6" Thai Constellation * 12
       8" Lechleriana Trellis * 1
       8" Peru HB * 6
       8" Swiss Cheese Adansonii Pole * 1
       8" Swiss Cheese HB * 6
       8" Swiss Cheese Trellis * 1
       8" Thai Constellation * 1
       10" Deliciosa * 1
       10" Peru Pole * 1
       10" Var Albo Standlyeyana HB 6
       12" Deliciosa * 1
       14" Deliciosa * 1
       14" Dubia Pole * 1
       14" Peru Pole * 1
Muntingia Calabura
       17" Strawberry Tree 1
Natal Mahogany
       10" Bush * 1
       4" Venus Slipper * 30
Orchid Vanilla Bean
       4" Super Variegated 30
       6" Super Variegated Pole 12
       8" Regular Variegated 1
       8" Super Variegated Pole * 1
Othona Capensis
       6" Little Pickles 12
       6" Little Pickles HB 12
Pachira Money Tree
       4" Braid * 30
       4" Suessy 30
       6" Braid * 12
       10" Braid * 1
       12" Braid * 1
       17" Honkers * 1
       2" Neanthe Bella * 90
       3" Neanthe Bella * 56
       3" Ponytail * 56
       4" Areca * 30
       4" Neanthe Bella * 30
       4" Ponytail Tips * 30
       6" Madagascar * 12
       6" Ponytail * 12
       8" Madagascar * 1
       10" Majesty * 1
       10" Ponytail * 1
       10" Rhapis-Florida * 1
       10" Multi 1
Palm (continue)
       10" Cataract * 1
       10" Fishtail * 1
       12" Majesty Multi * 1
       12" Majesty 1
       12" Ponytail Single * 1
       12" Rhapis Florida * 1
       12" Cataract * 1
       14" Areca * 1
       14" Bamboo Seifrizii * 1
       14" Cataract * 1
       14" King Maya 1
       14" Obi Island * 1
       14" Ponytail * 1
       14" Rhapis Florida * 1
       14" Seifrizii * 1
       14" Adonidia Multi * 1
       14" Licuala Grandis 1
       14" Majesty * 1
       14" Windmill (Sun Grown) 1
       17" Ponytail 1
       17" Windmill (Sun Grown) 1
       21" Majesty 1
       23" Adonidia Triple * 1
       4" Repens 30
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Hope * 90
       2" Watermelon * 90
       3" Assortment * 56
       4" Costa Rica * 30
       4" Ecuador * 30
       4" Ginny * 30
       4" Hope * 30
       4" Napoli Night * 30
       4" Nevada Green Bean * 30
       4" Obtusfolia Golden Gate * 30
       4" Obutsfolia Lemon Lime 30
       4" Obtusfolia Marble * 30
       4" Obtusfolia Red Edge * 30
       4" Obutsfolia Variegated * 30
       4" Piccolo * 30
       4" Raindrop * 30
       4" Rana Verde * 30
       4" Red Luna * 30
       4" Santorini 30
       4" Watermelon * 30
       6" Costa Rica 12
       6" Cupid * 12
       6" Ecuador * 12
       6" Frost * 12
       6" Napoli Nights * 12
       6" Obtusfolia Green * 12
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Peperomia (continue)
       6" Obtusfolia Marble * 12
       6" Piccolo 12
       6" Rana Verde * 12
       6" Santorini 12
       6" Watermelon * 12
       8" Cubensis HB * 6
       8" Cupid HB * 6
       8" Hope * 6
       8" Puteolata Stilt HB * 1
       8" Ripple HB 6
       8" Watermelon HB 6
       3" Cordatum Green * 56
       4" Philo Atabopoence * 30
       4" Birkins (White Measure) * 30
       4" Brasil * 30
       4" Cordatum Green * 30
       4" Cordatum Lemon * 30
       4" FL Green * 30
       4" Glorios * 30
       4" Gloriosum * 30
       4" Goeldii * 30
       4" Golden Crocodile * 30
       4" Jungle Boogie * 30
       4" Lemon Lime Upright * 30
       4" Mayoi * 30
       4" McColley's Finale * 30
       4" Micans * 30
       4" Moonlight * 30
       4" Narrow Escape * 30
       4" Painted Lady * 30
       4" Pink Princess Marble * 30
       4" Prince Of Orange * 30
       4" Rio * 30
       4" Silver Sword * 30
       4" Upright Assortment * 30
       4" Joepii * 30
       4" Mamei Silver * 30
       4" Peltatum * 15
       4" Pluto * 30
       4" Ring of Fire * 30
       4" Rojo Congo * 30
       4" Silver Stripe * 30
       4" Snowdrift * 30
       4" Trailing Assortment * 30
       4" Upright Premium Asst * 30
       4" Verrucosum * 30
       4" White Princess * 30
       6" Brandtianum * 12
       6" Brasil * 12
       6" Cordatum Green * 12
       6" Cordatum Lemon * 12
       6" McColley's Finale * 12
Philodendron (continue)
       6" Micans * 12
       6" Prince of Orange * 12
       6" Rio * 12
       6" Silver Stripe * 12
       6" Silver Sword * 12
       6" Silver Sword Pole * 12
       6" Upright Assortment * 12
       6" 69586 * 12
       6" Autumn * 12
       6" Bette Waterbury * 12
       6" Billietiae * 6
       6" Birkins (White Measure) * 12
       6" Black Billietiae 12
       6" Black Cardinal * 12
       6" Black Cebu 12
       6" Brandtianum Pole * 12
       6" Chocolate Empress * 12
       6" Columbia * 12
       6" FL Green Pole * 12
       6" Philo Gloriosum * 12
       6" Golden Crocodile * 30
       6" Majesty 12
       6" Mamei Silver * 12
       6" Mayala Gold * 12
       6" McDowell 12
       6" Melanochrysum * 1
       6" Moonlight * 12
       6" Narrow Escape * 12
       6" Painted Lady * 12
       6" Peltatum * 12
       6" Red Emerald 12
       6" Ring of Fire * 12
       6" Rio Pole * 12
       6" Rojo Congo * 12
       6" Selloum * 12
       6" Selloum Hope 12
       6" Lickety Split Selloum * 12
       6" Subhastatum 12
       6" Summer Glory * 12
       6" Trailing Assortment * 12
       6" Verrucosum 12
       6" Warscewiczii Aurea 12
       6" Philodendron Xanadu Green * 12
       8" Black Cardinal * 1
       8" Brandtianum HB * 6
       8" Brandtianum Pole * 1
       8" Brasil HB * 6
       8" Cordatum Green HB * 6
       8" Cordatum Lemon HB * 6
       8" Gloriosum HB 6
       8" Lemon Lime 1
       8" McColley's Finale * 1
       8" Melanochrysum Pole * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Philodendron (continue)
       8" Micans HB * 6
       8" Ring of Fire * 1
       8" Lickety Split Selloum * 1
       8" Silver Stripe HB * 6
       8" Squamiferum Trellis 1
       8" Summer Glory * 1
       8" Xandu Deja Vu 1
       10" Brandtianum Pole * 1
       10" Atabapoense * 1
       10" Billietiae * 1
       10" Bob Cee Green * 1
       10" Bob Cee Variegated * 1
       10" Burle Marx Variegated * 2
       10" Chocolate Empress * 1
       10" Mayala Gold 1
       10" McDowell * 1
       10" Moonlight * 1
       10" Painted Lady Pole 1
       10" Pastazanum Silver * 1
       10" Peltatum * 1
       10" Ring of Fire VAR * 1
       10" Selloum * 1
       10" Lickety Split Selloum 1
       10" Squamiferum * 1
       10" Summer Glory * 1
       10" White Knight 1
       10" Xanadu * 1
       14" Billietiae * 1
       14" Bob Cee Green 1
       14" Bob Cee Variegated 1
       14" Columbia * 1
       14" McDowell 1
       14" Narrow Escape * 1
       14" Pink Princess 1
       14" Rojo Congo * 1
       14" Selloum * 1
       2" Friendship 90
       2" Tiny Tears 90
       3" Aluminum No 1/2 Packs * 56
       3" Assortment * 56
       3" Depressa Chocolate * 56
       3" Friendship * 56
       3" Moon Valley * 56
       3" Mystifall * 56
       3" Silver Tree 56
       4" Aluminum * 30
       4" Baby Tears Aqua 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Depressa Chocolate * 30
       4" Friendship * 30
       4" Glauca Mystifall * 30
       4" Peperomiode Chinese Money Plan... * 30
Pilea (continue)
       4" Silver Tree * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Baby Tears * 12
       6" Glauca Mystifall * 12
       8" lk Island Pine * 1
Portulacaria Mini Jade
       1" Afra Variegated * 120
       2" Green * 90
       2" Afra Variegated * 90
       6" Green Heart * 12
       10" Green Cone * 1
       2" Assortment * 90
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Golden * 30
       4" Jade * 30
       4" Marble Queen * 30
       4" Neon * 30
       4" Pearls and Jade * 30
       6" Pothos Assortment * 12
       6" Emerald * 12
       6" Golden * 12
       6" Golden Pole * 12
       6" Marble Queen * 12
       6" Neon * 12
       6" Neon HB 12
       6" Pearls and Jade * 12
       6" Snow Queen * 12
       8" Assortment HB * 6
       8" Global Green HB 6
       8" Golden HB * 6
       8" Hawaiian Gold HB * 6
       8" Jade HB * 6
       8" Jade-Neon Combo HB * 6
       8" Marble Queen HB * 6
       8" Neon HB * 6
       8" Pearls & Jade HB * 6
       8" Snow Queen HB * 6
       10" Golden Pole * 2
       10" Marble Queen Pole * 1
       10" Gold HB * 4
       10" Jade HB 4
       10" Jade Pole 1
       10" Marble Queen HB * 4
       12" Gold Stock HB 1
       12" Jade Stock HB 1
       14" Golden Pole * 1
       4" Dragon Tail * 30
       4" Crypthantha Plaque * 30
       4" Hayii Shingles * 30
       4" Korthalsii * 30
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Rhaphidophora (continue)
       10" Korthalsii Pole * 1
       2" Assortment * 90
       4" Rhipsalis Asst * 30
       4" Sulcata * 30
       8" Rhombea Copper Branch HB * 12
       2" Variegated * 90
       2.5" Boncel Starfish 70
       2.5" 4 Spear 70
       2.5" Braids and Clumps * 70
       2.5" Spear 3-Braid * 70
       2.5" Tiger * 70
       4" Abbey Crown 30
       4" Marginata 30
       4" Birdnest Assortment * 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Assortment * 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Black * 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Gilt Edge 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Golden * 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Green * 30
       4" Birdnest Hahnii Lotus * 30
       4" Marginata Jade 30
       4" Black Dragon * 30
       4" Black Gold * 30
       4" Boncel Starfish * 30
       4" Coral * 30
       4" Cylindrical 3 Braid * 30
       4" Cylindrical Spear 4ppp 30
       4" Francissii * 30
       4" Green Tower * 30
       4" Icicle Mikado * 30
       4" Jewel Crown 30
       4" Josephine 30
       4" Laurentii * 30
       4" Lilliput * 30
       4" Moonshine * 30
       4" Robusta 30
       4" Sayuri 30
       4" Star Ming 30
       4" Superba 30
       4" Superba Assortment 30
       4" Superba Gold Flame * 30
       4" Superba Laurentii 30
       4" Tornado * 30
       4" Upright Assortment * 30
       4" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin * 30
       4" Wintergreen 30
       4" Zeylonica * 30
       5" Fernwood (Mikado) * 16
       5" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin * 16
       6" Lauren * 12
Sansevieria (continue)
       6" Laurentii * 12
       6" Moonshine * 12
       6" Robusta 12
       6" Birdnest Hahnii Assortment 12
       6" Black Coral * 12
       6" Fernwoood (Mikado) * 12
       6" Night Owl * 12
       6" Robusta Green * 30
       6" Silver Streak 12
       6" Superba Assortment 12
       6" Superba Futura * 12
       6" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin * 12
       6" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin Variegat... * 12
       6" Zeylonica * 12
       8" Fernwoood (Mikado) * 1
       8" Lauren * 1
       8" Laurentii * 1
       8" Moonshine * 1
       8" Robusta * 1
       8" Silver Streak * 1
       8" Superba Futura * 1
       8" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin Variegat... * 1
       8" Zeylonica * 1
       10" Fernwoood (Mikado) * 1
       10" Lauren * 1
       10" Laurentii * 1
       10" Silver Streak 1
       10" Whale Fin (Shark) Fin * 1
       10" Wintergreen 1
       10" Zeylonica * 1
       14" Lauren 1
       14" Laurentii * 1
       14" Zeylonica * 1
       2" StoloniferaTricolor * 90
Schefflera Amate
       10" Alpine Jr * 1
       10" Amate * 1
Schefflera Arboricola
       4" Green Mini * 30
       6" Green Compacta Bush * 12
       6" Green Mini * 12
       10" Green Braid * 1
       10" Green Bush * 1
       10" Trinette Bush * 1
       10" Var. Capella Bush * 1
       10" Variegated Braid * 1
       10" Variegated Bush * 1
       10" Variegated Standard * 1
       14" Dazzle Bush 1
       14" Green Braid * 1
       14" Green Bush * 1
       14" Trinette Bush 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Schefflera Arboricola (continue)
       14" Var. Capella Braid * 1
       14" Variegated Braid * 1
       14" Variegated Bush * 1
       4" Pictus * 30
       4" Silver Satin (Exotica) * 30
       4" Silver Splash HB 24
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Pictus * 12
       6" Pictus Exotica * 12
       6" Silver Satin (Exotica) * 12
       8" Green Satin HB * 6
       8" Silver Ann Pole * 1
       8" Silver Satin (Exotica) HB * 6
       10" Pictus Pole * 1
       2" Adolphi * 90
       2" Assortment 90
       2" Blue * 90
       2" Brazil * 90
       2" Burrito Donkey Tail * 90
       2" Nusbarium 90
       2" Ruby Glow Hybrid 90
Selaginella Moss
       2" Club Moss Assortment * 90
       2" Club Moss Ruby Red * 90
       4" Club Moss Gold * 30
       6" Club Moss Avatar 12
       6" Club Moss Gold * 12
       6" Rainbow (Peacock) * 12
       8" Rainbow (Peacock) HB * 6
       2" Hens & Chicks * 90
       2" Crassiss. Lavender Leaf 90
       2" Jacobensii 90
       2" Mountain Glory 90
       2" Purple Flush 90
       2" Stapeliiformis Pickle Plant * 90
       4" Mountain Glory 30
       4" Stapeliiformis Pickle Plant * 30
Spanish Moss
       18" Box Spanish Moss * 1
       4" Domino Var Peace Lily * 30
       4" Linda 30
       4" Peace Lily * 30
       6" Variegated Domino * 12
       6" Peace Lily * 12
       6" Platinum Mist * 12
       8" Peace Lily * 1
       8" Bulb Pan * 6
       8" Sensation * 1
Spathiphyllum (continue)
       10" Peace Lily * 1
       14" Sensation Peace Lily * 1
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" String of Hearts Variegated * 90
       2" String of Pearls Green * 90
       2" String of Turtles * 90
       4" String of Turtles * 30
       8" String of Hearts Variegated * 6
       4" Trio Star * 30
       6" Trio Star * 12
       8" Trio Star * 1
       10" Trio Star * 1
       14" Trio Star 1
Succulent Aeonium
       2" Arboreium Zwartkop 90
       2" Starburst * 90
Succulent Assortments
       1" Assortment * 120
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Black Ceramic * 30
       2" White Ceramic * 30
       3" Assortment * 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Succulent HB Assortment * 10
       8" Succulent Assortment 1
Succulent Garden/Combo
       8" Combo 6
Syngonium Erythrophyllum
       4" Red Arrow * 30
Syngonium Nephthytis
       4" Ice Frost * 30
       4" Batik * 30
       4" Gold Allusion * 30
       4" Mouse Ears 30
       4" Neon Pink * 30
       4" Pink Perfection * 30
       4" Silver Pearl * 30
       4" Wendlandii * 30
       4" White Butterfly * 30
       6" Batik * 12
       6" Go Glow 12
       6" Godzilla * 12
       6" Holly Allusion * 12
       6" Starlite 12
       6" White Butterfly * 12
       8" Neon Robusta HB * 6
       8" Confetti HB * 6
       8" Golden Allusion HB 6
       8" White Butterfly HB * 1
       10" Pixie Azalea Pot * 1
       10" Pixie in Azalea Pot * 1
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The Plant Truck, LLC
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Syngonium Nephthytis (continue)
Tacca Bat
       4" Chantrieri Black Bat * 30
       6" Chantrieri Bat White 12
       10" Chantrieri Black Bat * 1
Teak Vanda Box HB
       8" Box of 4 Md Fern Asst Teak Van... * 1
       5.5" Box of 5 Glass Hole in One * 1
       5" Box of 12 Slope Glass * 1
       6" Box of 6 Cylincer Glass * 1
       6" Box of 6 Glass Hanging Pear * 1
       6.75" Box of 5 Glass Hole in One * 1
       6" Box of 7-6 Inch Tall Mason * 1
       6" Box of 9 Solar Garden * 1
       7" Box of 6 Slope Glass * 1
       8" 8 Inch Tall Mason Canister: No... * 1
       8" Box of 6 Solar Garden * 1
       10" Box of 2 Glass Centerpiece * 1
       10" Box of 8-10 Inch Tall Jar * 1
       12" 2 Inch Tall Birdcage Terrarium... * 1
Terrarium Plants
       2" Colorful Foliage Assortment * 90
       2" Fern and Foliage Asst * 90
       2" Fern Assortment * 90
       2" Premium FOLIAGE Assortment * 90
       1" Calcarea 120
Topiary Ivy
       4" Hoop Ivy * 30
       4" Solid Tree (Cone) Ivy * 30
       4" Ball on Stem Ivy * 30
       6" Solid Tree (Cone) Ivy * 12
       6" Ball on Stem Ivy * 12
       6" Heart Ivy * 12
       6" Hoop Ivy * 12
       8" Ball on Stem Ivy * 1
       8" Hoop Ivy Hole In One * 1
       8" Tree (Solid Cone) Ivy * 1
       8" Hoop 6
       10" Ball on Stem Ivy * 1
       10" Tree (Solid Cone) Ivy * 1
       2" Assortment 90
       2" Pink Panther Callisia Repens * 90
       2" Nanouk * 90
       2" Wandering Jew 90
       2" Wandering Jew Red 90
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Pink Panther Callisia Repens * 30
       4" Pink Paradise * 30
       4" Purple Heart * 30
       4" Sanna * 30
       4" Wandering Jew HB 24
Tradescantia (continue)
       6" Purple Heart 12
Zamia Furfuracea
       14" Cardboard Palm * 1
Zamiacalcus ZZ
       4" Black Queen * 30
       4" Regular ZZ * 30
       5" Super Nova Black * 16
       5" Regular ZZ * 16
       6" Black ZZ 12
       6" Regular ZZ * 12
       8" Regular ZZ * 1
       10" Black Raven ZZ 1
       10" Super Nova (Black ZZ) 1
       10" Regular ZZ * 1
       12" Regular ZZ * 1
       14" Regular ZZ * 1
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